Sunday, September 20, 2009


Yay! Some people want to swap with me! :) I'm in talks with a few people, and so far it looks like I have:
1 - Canada - Newfoundland (confirmed Trade, due in Feb 2010)
1 - MO (confirmed Trade, no date set yet)
1 - Portugal (confirmed trade - December)
1 - Wales (confirmed Trade - Nov-Dec)
1 - Singapore (confirmed Trade - no date set yet/Dec 09?)
1 - North Carolina (confirmed Trade, due in Feb 2010)
1 - IN (confirmed Trade, due in Dec 2009)

I've got some ideas for everyone's mini so far and I can probably have one done a week as long as I get some sewing time in every night.

I finished the handquilting on my giveaway quilt, and that's going in the mail the end of this week, just need to bind it and then it's 100% done. :) Yay! She'll be getting that soon. It took me a little longer than expected but it's 99% done now!

1 comment:

  1. go girl. It will be so much fun to watch the quilts in progress and see what gets sent your way from all over the world! Woo Hoo!
